33 rides Podcast
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Yes, the 33rides project comes complete with its very own 33rides podcast.
Are we excited about this? You betcha! Listen via the links below, or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
Episode 1 - Anna Hughes
Episode 1 - Anna Hughes
Featuring Anna Hughes, Director of Flight Free UK.
In this pair of episodes, find out about the Flight Free Challenge, life on a canal boat, and how Anna joined the Madmen of Mont Ventoux.
Episode 2 - Alastair Humphreys
Episode 2 - Alastair Humphreys
Featuring Alastair Humphreys, macro-adventurer and micro-adventurer.
Alastair talks to us about going away on adventures... and coming home again.
And how he went from being a full-blooded carnivore who sneered at wimpy vegans to being a full-on tree-hugging chickpea-lover.